B-Watch Rewatch
Have you ever seen those "special" TV shows or movies - you know the ones - the ones that are so wonderfully unintentionally bad that they bring you so much joy, and captivate you, but for all the wrong reasons?
Well, we here at B-Watch Rewatch absolutely live for these underdog gems, and felt it our duty to bring their incredible, ridiculous, bat sh*t stories to light in our own unique, hilarious way.
So buckle up, busters, and please allow us, Kaydence and Kolin, a sibling duo who share a passion for such cinematic excellence to take you on a wild ride through all the TV shows and movie plots you never knew you needed to hear.
79 episodes
Garbage Pail Kids
If you've ever wondered what it would like to see your nightmares put to film... wonder no more. The Garbage Pail Kids has it all: a kid with no home, a sweat shop, space garbage, grown ups bullying children, fashion shows, full siz...
Season 7
Episode 5
Neverending Story!
In this beautiful world of imagination, we go on an adventure unlike any other.We LOVE this movie, but two things can be true at the same time: it's magnificent, AND parts of it traumatized us when we were little. It was a lot to process...
Season 7
Episode 4
* Intro Ends and Recap begins at 4:26 *This season we continue our journey through the movies that scared the sh*t out of us in our childhood... today we are talking about a sassy villain (second only to the gnome QUEEN in Return to Oz)...
Season 7
Episode 3
Magic (and Madness) in the Mirror
Wowee ZoweeWhen a follower recommended we do the sequel to this movie, we realized we had never even seen the first one, so we are covering that one first. Magic in the Mirror is an absolutely bonker balls tale of people size...
Season 7
Episode 2

The One, the Only, the LAST Unicorn!
* Intro ends and the movie discussion starts at 3:55 *We took a little Holiday break and now we are BACK for SEASON 7! There was a time when kids movies were... Intense. Maybe more intense than our little brains w...
Season 7
Episode 1
Season 7 Trailer!
It's almost here! Our new season is right around the corner... and we're asking you to revisit the movies that left their marks on your child psyche... You know the ones: Magic in the Mirror, The Last Unicorn, Return t...
Season 7
Episode 1

The Boy Next Door Pt. 2
We've kept you in suspense long enough... It's time for Part 2 of The Boy Next Door, the final movie in our Jennifer Lopez trilogy. Noah has officially cracked, and two grown ass women concoct a kookie plan to wrangle a psycho!&nbs...

The Boy Next Door Pt. 1
As we promised, we are bringing our Jennifer Lopez trilogy to an end... We are covering The Boy Next Door in two parts. We're pretty sure AI wrote this script, or maybe it was someone's first draft that got greenlit before it could be finished....
Season 6
Episode 12

The Greatest Love Story Never Told
Part 2 in our Jennifer Lopez trilogy is the documentary that accompanied that Movie Musical Extravaganza we covered last week...We applaud Jennifer's drive and her work ethic, but we also just want to give her a hug. Enjoy ...
Season 6
Episode 11

This is You... This is Me... This is Us... Now
We are here in the inbetween season time to bring you the promised holy trilogy... The first of which is the Jennifer Lopez Movie Musical Extravaganza: This is Me... NowWe've watched this multiple times, so ultimately, the joke is on us...
Season 6
Episode 10

Morbius 🦇
Season 6 officially comes to a close with an epic tale of Greece, wobbly legs, friendship, genius, and bat babies... We really ended with a bang for this one. Jared Leto leads this tiny flying mammal journey... He might be a genius...
Season 6
Episode 9

The Green Lantern
Before Ryan Reynolds was the beloved Deadpool, he was the Green Lantern! We could argue about who is the superior hero, but we wouldn't need to, because we'd be on the same side! It's Clearly Hal Jordan, AKA The Green Lantern.Betwee...
Season 6
Episode 8

Jonah Hex
What the HEX is this movie?! If ever there was a romantic counterpart to our favorite red leather lady Elektra, Jonah would be him. Kinda has a power, kinda is trained, is very very stoic, and has a vague connection with another culture. ...
Season 6
Episode 7

Fantastic Four
We do you get when you cross a space storm, a group of college friends, and a venture capitalist? The Fantastic Four! Jessica Alba is in her "Tara Reid in Alone in the Dark" era as the Head of Genetic Research, and wit...
Season 6
Episode 6

Elektra ⚡️
Dearest Listener:This week, we bring to you: ELEKTRA. A camp in the woods, kids with no parents, repressed rage, clunky weaponry, lots of wind machines, and even more red leather...It's a rough one, but keep paddling, it will be...

Catwoman 😻
Cat Nip! Face Cream! Toxic Waterfalls! Cat Magic! Bedazzles! Bad Haircuts! Remixes! Tuna!There are very few words for a movie that manages to absolutely squander one of the most beautiful women in the world...Somehow Catwoman ma...
Season 6
Episode 4

In 1997, Spawn came into being... and let us tell you... for being the Spawn of the Devil, it's not the most convenient arrangement... And don't even get us started on The Violater. Join us in hell for Devil Dogs, Demo...
Season 6
Episode 3

Batman and Robin
We are taking a trip back in time... To an era where spray painting some Styrofoam and adding a lots of little lights, glitter, and nipples made a little Batman magic...Join us Gotham for a ride in the Batmobile!
Season 6
Episode 2

Barb Wire
WE'RE BACK! Season 6 has officially begun and it's the season of the SUPERHERO! This season we have chosen all the best movies inspired by comics, and the (supposedly) heroic characters contained within their pages.But it might not be t...
Season 6
Episode 1

Hell Comes to Frogtown
Are you attracted to amphibian burlesque dancers? Do you know the dance of the six snakes? Have you ever wondered what would happen if the world's most sexually prolific man was locked into an explosive chastity belt? All of those questions and...
Season 5
Episode 4

MOD Squad
What happens when you reboot a stylish 70's show with one of the most emotional actresses of the 90's? Well, a very tonally confused action comedy! This week we join the Mod Squad in a tale of going undercover, crooked cops, father figures, and...
Season 5
Episode 3

The magic of Burlesque has graced our lives and we are blessed to be able to share it with you, too. Xtina finding her life's work after one day of job hunting in LA? A bartender, who is a MAN? Who wears EYELINER?! And of course, Cher, the savv...

Return to Oz
We are BACK with Season FIVE! We are starting this season by traveling back in time to a place where movies made for children were also fuel for nightmares! Return to Oz is a wild and scary ride, even as a fully grown and well adjusted adult. J...
Season 5
Episode 1